Tag: family

January 23, 2019

Studies have found that strong family support can indeed play a positive role to help diabetic patients better manage blood sugar levels, deal with stress and depression, and to also encourage the adoption of improved lifestyle choices. Studies also indicate that one of the best predictors of how well someone takes care of their diabetes is the amount of support they get from their family and friends.  

For parents with diabetes

  • Contribute with cash money to the household economy.
  • Provide food recommended by the clinician.
  • Family members can actively help their loved ones!
  • Provide post-surgery care (bathing, dressing the wound), if required.
  • Keep an eye to watch that the parent does not eat food forbidden by the clinician.
  • Be mindful of regular screenings and check-ups and the results of the medical examinations. Accompany the parent to medical appointments.
  • Buy products that are suitable for family consumption.
  • Act as translators or readers for parents when they cannot read or write.


For spouse with diabetes

  • Accompany the respective partner to exercise and to medical appointments.
  • In c