Category: Diabetes Care

August 4, 2015
diabetic care befor pregnancy

Before Pregnancy

Despite advances, babies born to women with diabetic condition, especially women with poor diabetics control, are still at greater risk for birth defects.   High blood glucose levels and ketones (substances that in large amounts are poisonous to the body) pass through the placenta to the baby. These increase the chance of birth defects.   High blood glucose levels during the first trimester — the time when the baby’s organs are forming — increase the risk of birth defects and also miscarriage. Since the baby’s organs are completely formed by 7 weeks after your last period, when you may have just realized you are pregnant, it’s important to get blood glucose levels under control before getting pregnant.   Because these early weeks are so important to your baby, you need to plan your pregnancy. If your blood glucose levels are not in your target range, work to bring your diabetes under control before getting pregnant. It is a good idea to be in good blood glucose control three to six months before you plan to get pregnant. You’ll want to keep excellent bl

Posted in Diabetes Care
July 9, 2015
diabetic breakfast

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it give you energy to start a new day, but is linked to many health benefits, including and improved performance.

Chana Dal Pancakes:

Chana dal is a beneficial ingredient for diabetic. It helps the blood sugar levels to rise slowly, has a low glycemic index and utilises the sugar in the body effectively maintaining the body’s sugar levels.


½ cup chana dal, soaked and drained ½ cup fenugreek leaves, chopped ½ cup spinach, chopped ½ cup carrot grated 1 tsp coconut, grated 2 tsp carrot, grated 1 tsp coriander leaves, chopped Pinch of mustard and cumin seeds, respectively ½ tsp ginger, shredded 1 tbsp lemon juice


  1. Grind the soaked chana dal into a coarse pas

July 9, 2015
travel care for diabetes

Tips for diabetes care while traveling

Traveling with diabetes is comfortable and safe as long as you plan carefully. Good planning includes taking to your health care provider and doing a little research before leaving, careful packing, and knowing about airport security.

What to do before leaving on your trip:

  • Talk to your health care provider about your travel plans.
  • If you’re on insulin, ask about getting a prescription for a glucagon kit.
  • Make sure your immunizations, your immunization record and your written health record are up to date, especially if traveling abroad.
  • Make sure that all medications you carry and all diabetes supplies have their prescription labels on them.
  • If you use a daily or weekly medication reminder pack, take the original prescription labels with you.
  • Refill any prescriptions that may expire during your travel.
  • Keep your health insurance cared on you at all times. Review health insurance policy

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